TheraFit contains Garcinia Cambogia

by in Health and Wellness

TheraFit is a supplement taken daily with your meals to help you maintain your weight management and fitness. One of the active ingredient found in TheraFit is Garcinia Cambogia: It is a tropical fruit also known as the Malabar tamarind. The rind contains an active ingredient called hydroxycitric acid which can block an enzyme called […]

TheraFit contains Bifidobacterium B-3

by in Health and Wellness

One of the active ingredients found in Therafit is the probiotic Bifidobacterium B-3. Bifidobacterium is a well-studied genus of beneficial bacteria that naturally inhabits the human gut. There are many species of bifidobacteria, and, like all probiotics, their health benefits are strain-specific. Bifidobacterium B-3 is a clinically backed, room-temperature-stable strain that has been shown to support various […]

Duoflora to help fight respiratory infections

by in Duoflora

The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting everyone. We need to improve our own immune system to help combat infections. Our probiotic Duoflora contains two strains of probiotics: Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium Breve M16V. These two probiotic strains have medical evidence to improve our immune system to fight respiratory infections.

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